The Victoria Rhododendron Society is a group of people from all walks of life whose common interest is growing rhododendrons. Our purpose is to share Information, learn from one another and enjoy the friendship of having a common purpose. We are a not-for- profit organization working together to encourage interest in and educate the public about the genus Rhododendron.
Our organization was formed in 1979 as a community of like-minded people who enjoy, grow and collect these special plants. We are a chapter within the American Rhododendron Society and belong to the BC Council of Garden Clubs.
Our meetings are held in the Couvelier Center within the grounds of the Horticultural Center of the Pacific. We meet on the first Thursday of every month, September through June. Our yearly agenda includes flower shows, garden tours, a Christmas Dinner, plant sales and a picnic in June to celebrate a successful growing season. We also have separate propagating meetings for those interested in growing rhododendron cuttings and seedlings.
Meetings begin at 7:30 pm. They include educational presentations, demonstrations, a raffle of unusual rhododendrons and a social gathering after each meeting when the free exchange of information allows everyone to learn.
We are creating a public garden within the Township of Esquimalt. It is the Jim Barlup Legacy Garden, located in the Esquimalt Gorge Park. Another large project we have undertaken is the Norm Todd Propagating Compound within the grounds of the HCP. Here we grow our own specialty rhododendrons, not usually available in the public domain.