Meetings & Events

VicRS monthly meetings are held at:

Horticulture Centre of the Pacific (HCP)
Glendale Gardens, Couvelier Pavilion
505 Quayle Road
Saanich, BC

Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of the each month at 7:30pm (doors open at 7 pm). Guests are most welcome to attend.

Doors open at 7 pmLug-A-Mug’ for each meeting
January 4, 2024Glen Jamieson Invasive Plants of Vancouver Island
February 1, 2024Jeff de JongThe Garden in a Changing World
March 7, 2024Bob Duncan Growing Citrus on Vancouver Island
April 4, 2024Preparing Trusses for Display
May 2 – 5, 2024ARS Spring ConventionBellingham, Washington
May 10 and 11, 2024Show and Sale at HCP 
June 23, 2024Annual Picnic
September 5, 2024 
October 3, 2024
November 7. 2024
December 5, 2024Annual Christmas Potluck