VRS Trophy Winners


Abkhazi Trophy

Peggy Pemberton Carter was the orphaned child of an English couple living in Shanghai, and she was interned there during the final years of WW II. After the war she made her way to Victoria and managed to contact the deposed Georgian prince Nicholas Abkhazi, whom she had met while studying music in Paris prior to the war. Together they created a home and a beautiful garden which after her death became the publically accessible Abkhazi Gardens.

In 1986 Peggy donated a beautiful Chinese silver tray to the Victoria Rhododendron Society. It had been a wedding gift to her parents and the only remaining possession of theirs she had.

The tray became the Abkhazi Trophy, and it is awarded by the Victoria Rhododendron Society to an individual or couple who had contributed significantly to the club during the prior year.

Abkhazi Tray Contribution to the VRS

2021Linda Gilmore
2019Calvin Parsons
2017Carrie George
2016Tony & Carolyn Marquardt
2015(Convention Year)
2014Dean Gourd
2013Bill & Betty Gordon
2012Madeleine Webb
2011Lois & Roy Blackmore
2010Ann & Tom Widdowson
2009Johanna & Moe Massa
2008Don & Joyce Whittle
2007Margaret deWeese
2006Carol Dancer
2005(Convention Year)
2004Pat & James Fuller
2003Bill McMillan
2002John Gordon
2001Betty Kennedy
2000Joe & Linda Harvey
1999Karen Morrison
1998Bruce Maycock
1997Ken Webb
1996Norma Buckley
1995Ian Duncan
1994Nancy Thompson
1993Peggy McCarter
1992Dave Dougan
1991Evelyn Weesjes
1990Alec McCarter
1989Herman Vaartnou
1988Judy Gordon
1987Margaret Buffam
1986Bill Dale
1985Norman Todd

Bronze Medal

The Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendorn Society is the highest award presented by an individual chapter of the ARS. The names listed below document the Victoria Rhododendron Society’s acknowledgement of the effort and dedication of these members on behalf of the chapter.

ARS Bronze Medal

2020Betty Gordon
2020Bill Gordon
2015Calvin Parsons
2013Gareth Shearman
2012Jacqueline Bradbury
2012Lois Blackmore
2011Ann Widdowson
2011Theresa McMillan
2010Johanna & Moe Massa
2008Ken Webb
2008Bill McMillan
2008Dean Goard
2007Ian Duncan
2006Betty Kennedy
2006John Gordon
2004Joe Harvey
2003Dora Kreiss
2002Norma Buckley
1998Judy Gordon
1996Herman Vaartnou
1992Leslie Drew
1992David Dougan
1992Margaret Buffam
1990Evelyn (Jacks) Weesjes
1990Norman Todd
1990Alec McCarter
1990Bill Dale
1986Stuart Holland

Silver Medal

The Silver Medal of the American Rhododendron Society is awarded to Society members for significant contribution over a period of time to either the Society, to the genus Rhododendron, or to  both.

ARS Silver Medal

2017Ken Webb
2003Norman Todd